Art, shapes, geometry and architecture: Seeing through the eyes of Jean-Baptiste Monnin

For most of us architecture is just the set-design in our everyday lives. But for Jean-Baptiste Monnin it’s the leading star. When he looks at buildings he sees the small architectural details that many of us just pass by. For him, architecture is never static; it’s the backbone of his art.

It’s a typical grey morning in January when Artconnect enters Jean-Baptiste Monnin’s apartment in Schöneberg. The style of his home is a mirror of his drawings. It’s precise and in order; every object has its place. The difference though, is that the cat Bisou doesn’t run around in his artworks. It makes sense that a person who builds impressive abstract architectural drawings with thousands and thousands of exact lines is a person who also orders his succulents by size.

Source: Art, shapes, geometry and architecture: Seeing through the eyes of Jean-Baptiste Monnin – Artconnect Blog & Shop